Roxanne Swentzell Sculpture
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Many Faces


"New Growth"

Clay Original
23 " H, 19" W, 18" D


Big Heads is the first part of a series of shows using the three floors of the Tower Gallery. It is in response to the state of the world and its disjointedness. All the gapped polarities between viewpoints have felt like humanity has lost its ability to connect and relate to itself as a whole. The head, torso and legs have forgotten how to work together so that the entire body can function well. Big Heads is the result of heads not working with the other body parts to get the whole perspective..., a fuller perspective, a wiser perspective, a more loving perspective.

Photo by: Phil Karshis


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© 2025 Roxanne Swentzell Tower Gallery, All Rights Reserved
All photographic images on this website are the exclusive property of , Phillip Karshis.
All artwork featured at this web site is copyright of the respective artists & are protected under United States & international copyright laws.
Images may not be reproduced, copied, stored, or manipulated for any purpose without written permission.